Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Effect of a Frenzied Mind

Reading:   Alma 30-32

ALMA 30:42

42    Behold, I know that thou believest, but thou art possessed with a lying spirit, and ye have put off the Spirit of God that it may have no place in you; but the devil has power over you, and he doth carry you about, working devices that he may destroy the children of God. 

These are the words that Alma used against Korihor but I am not going to delve into the subject of who he was and what he did, interesting as it is (read chapter 30).  Instead I am simply putting this out there, for me, for you, for all of us...I have talked of being captivated by the devil, falling prey to his enticements and charms, we all have and still do.  Well, the next time you find yourself caught up in pride or leading someone away from what you know in your heart is true, do me a favor, recall Alma, picture him standing before you and saying those very words he said to Korihor.  It is very relevant and true, "...Thou art possessed with a lying spirit...the devil has power over you, and he doth carry you about, working [his] devices."

Don't follow the lying spirit, throw off your captivation!  free yourself!  I know that thou believest!  

Korihor said, "... It is the effect of a frenzied mind (verse 16)," that causes us to believe in that which we have no proof.  I love the idea of a frenzied mind and though I don't agree with Korihor's result, I do find that it speaks volumes in regard to the lying spirit of the devil.  I know that in my darkest hours, in the pinnacle moments of my life where my choices fell prey to devilish enticements, I knew what I was doing and knew there would be consequences for my action.  I didn't care.  I have made many choices against all that I knew was right, against my core belief, against a God I professed to believe in - I knew I was making a mistake and I did it anyway?  And yes, my mind was extremely frenzied!  The inner battle of who I am and want to be versus that mortal being overcome by selfish needs.   A choice is made amidst the frenzy, a bad choice, and then the real fight know what I'm talking about!  The frenzied mind is slowly overcome by disbelief and a fog enshrouds that person you once were, that testimony and faith you once had, it simply drifts away.  I know it's hard, I have a long road that still haunts me but I'm moving forward and working hard on my faith.  Working hard to embrace the possibility that I can be that person I long to be - I will be.

Finally, remember the end of Korihor, struck dumb by the power of God, wandering door to door begging for food and eventually trodden under foot by the Zoramites and killed.

ALMA 30:60

60    And thus we see the end of him who perverteth the ways of the Lord; and thus we see that the devil will not support his children at the last day, but doth speedily drag them down to hell. 

What else needs to be said?  The devil will not support you at the last day but drag you down to Hell... why then do you support him?


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