So, about a month ago, I decided to strengthen my non-visible armor. I found myself increasingly wallowing in the dark corridors of self doubt, loathing, and even dabbling in the mists of self esteem was slipping ever closer to nothing and I had to take action. I'm not going to thrill you with the details of this slow demise of me but will say this, "mind your business and read on."
How does one increase non-visible armor? Quite simply, it depends on the person, but for me it began with a basic notion of faith. I may not fit the stereotypical mold, or even the outskirts of the mold, of a faithful Latter-Day-Saint (yes Mormon) but I am one - to the core. So, that in mind, I decided to do what is taught all Christians of any denomination - read the scriptures. I chose The Book of Mormon to start this journey and on Tuesday, September 18, 2012, I plotted out a plan to finish the book by years end (approximately 3 chapters a day). I am proud to say I am currently on day 36 of 90 and have not missed a single day of reading. There have been days when I only managed a verse but, for the most part, I have maintained the schedule and hope to press on.
Now, have I been blessed by my diligence? Not outwardly, in other words I'm not in better physical shape and my earning hasn't increased, in fact, the only real "blessings" are additional trials and burdens (adding greatly to my psychological fun) but; I do know that my inner demons, my quick temper, my irrational anxiety, these types of things have been noticeably lightened. Yes, life is stressful but inside it seems I am coping much better. My non-visible armor is thickening!
Okay, so the reading experiment is proving positive and therefore...during a particularly long drive one day...I started brainstorming ways to help my wife and kids with this tool. Yes, we (the royal "we" meaning everyone) talk and preach and constantly say, "read the scriptures" but how often do we really do it? So how do I help my family and continue to read on myself...knowing that more physical pitfalls are waiting just around the bend...well, as you can see, I love to write. So, I thought, why not select a particularly interesting scripture from my daily reading and text or email it to my wife and kids - that way I'm including the family in something I am doing and providing them with a simple tool to strengthen their own non-visible armor. I firmly believe that reading even the smallest scripture still invokes a sense of faith, even a remembrance of spiritual things, in every reader, and therefore adds a bit of positivity and hope into the bleakest of days - so what could it hurt right? I spoke with the kids, teenagers mind you who don't have time for anything, and Angela, the darling wife, and all seemed willing.
Problem: How do I explain or discuss the selected verse in any type of way within the confines of a text and do I really want to be ignored like all those pic-a-day, joke-a-day, email type nuisances? There is no way around the being ignored thing, they will read it if they choose to, but I can avoid the nagging nuisance of a daily pinch by creating a blog that will have to be accessed. My kids all have phones with web browsing capability and can check out Dad's blog from anywhere (most likely the bathroom right, they certainly aren't reading the Ensign or New Era in there).
Right then, a blog it is! So, in order to keep myself reading and provide that bit-o-armor to my family I will do my utmost to blog a scripture every day (a little Kipling blah blah-blah-blah included). And if others choose to join and converse along the way so-be-it! 5-minutes to strengthen your non-visible armor daily...what could be easier? Like spiritual push ups - we all win!
Actually, it's the only gain without pain available!