Sunday, December 30, 2012

Effects of Faith

Reading:   Lectures on Faith: Lecture Seventh 11-20

The lectures on Faith were classes of instruction given "... On the Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, originally delivered before a Class of the Elders, in Kirtland, Ohio."

"Effect" (noun) is the result of something.  The second half of Lecture Seventh discussed the effects of faith; salvation being the cornerstone of these effects.  In regards, then, to the plan of salvation, "...[It is] a system of faith - it begins with faith, and continues by faith; and every blessing which is obtained in relation to it is the effect of faith, whether it pertains to this life or that which is to come (Lecture Seventh, 17)."

"...This life or that which is to come," this is reference to the continual need of faith in the hereafter.  Again, as in yesterday's blog, I cannot stress enough the power of faith and the need to gather it in as not only a source of inspiration and direction but also as a shield and moreover a weapon!

Another effect of faith is knowledge - knowledge of God.  What is the significance of we have learned in previous lectures and subsequent blogs, knowledge provides a glimpse into what lies beyond this probationary state of mortality.  It produces the ability to forsake all in this life with the understanding of the glory and peace we will earn in heaven.  Quite a significant effect!


19. By these sayings of the apostle [John], we learn that it was by obtaining a knowledge of God that men got the knowledge of all things which pertain to life and godliness, and this knowledge was the effect of faith; so that all things which pertain to life and godliness are the effects of faith.

Having a knowledge of all things pertaining to "this" life is grand but to add knowledge of Godliness is paramount to where we are heading.  Why else would we need the vast "all" of this knowledge unless we too were capable of ascending to godliness.

To better frame this idea, the brethren discuss the power of being one in the Savior as he is one in God...


13. What language can be plainer than this? The Saviour surely intended to be understood by His disciples, and He so spake that they might understand Him; for He declares to His Father, in language, not to be easily mistaken, that He wanted His disciples, even all of them, to be as Himself and the Father, for as He and the Father are one so they might be one with them. And what is said in the 22nd verse [John 17:22] is calculated to more firmly establish this belief; if it needs anything to establish it. He says; "And the glory which thou gavest me, I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one." As much as to say that unless they have the glory which the Father had given Him they could not be one with them; for He says He had given them the glory that the Father had given Him that they might be one; or in other words, to make them one. 

14. This fills up the measure of information on this subject and shows most clearly that the Saviour wished His disciples to understand that they were to be partakers with Him in all things, not even His glory excepted. 

15. It is scarcely necessary here to observe what we have previously noticed, that the glory which the Father and the Son have is because they are just and holy beings; and that if they were lacking in one attribute or perfection which they have, the glory which they have never could be enjoyed by them, for it requires them to be precisely what they are in order to enjoy it; and if the Saviour gives this glory to any others, he must do it in the very way set forth in His prayer to His Father - by making them one with Him as He and the Father are one. In so doing He would give them the glory which the Father has given Him; and when His disciples are made one with the Father and Son, as the Father and Son are one, who cannot see the propriety of the Saviour's saying - "The works which I do, shall they do; and greater works than these shall they do, because I go to my Father [John 14:12]." 

I don't want to keep grinding this into the ground but I think a lot of my explaining and reiterating is geared more toward me - helping me wrap my brain around the significance of it all.  Anyway, gaing a knowledge of God is a goal of such high significance that it is easy to get lost in the importance of the baby steps.  I cannot progress from this point with the weight of Godhood and eternity on my mind or I will fail in this probationary state - I truly believe that!  I need to be ever mindful of faith and work diligently to make it a constant part of my daily existence but I need also to focus on those I love and want to spent eternity with; otherwise what am I doing? 

Remember, "Sufficient is the day unto the evil thereof." Get through the day, exercise the faith needed to do so, find happiness, and continue the process of learning and growth in God - that is the mission!

Faith is the first principle of power.  The object of faith is God.  God is all, omniscent, omnipresent, omnipotent, and neverending.  Salvation is the cornerstone effect of faith and knowledge of God the crowning effect of faith.  To be one in the glory of Jesus as He is in the glory of God is the pinnacle of existence in this life and that which is to come.

Here endeth the reading of the Lectures on Faith, adieu, and whew, and whew...  


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