It's the last day of 2012 and I have successfully maintained my blog for 70 days...woohoo! Now, I am proud to announce, I will continue the blog in 2013. I have decided to start with the Old Testament (155 days), then continue with the New Testament (150 days), and finish out 2013 with the Pearl of Great Price (60 days) - join me!
I am going to change some things though; primarily, I am going to cease the practice of reading scripture then writing the blog. I have found that some time to ruminate after reading causes for much improvement in the quality of what I discuss and therefore I will write the blog the day following what I read. For instance, today I read the introduction to the King James Version of the Bible and tomorrow, the first day of the new year, I will discuss it in my blog. I will, however, continue to keep the restriction of writing only on what I have read during the day (I like the challenge of stealing a moment for scripture reading no matter what craziness occurs in my life). Also, I will try to make a note of what I plan on writing about the next day on the bottom of each blog (where I typically sign out with my name).
Today, for blogging purposes, I read a number of quotations pertaining to the importance of reading scriptures and found a few that uplifted me and bolstered my resolve to continue reading...
David S. Baxter (First Quorom of the Seventy)
Faith, Service, Constancy, Ensign, Nov. 2006, 14
At . . . moments of crisis and challenge, some choose to abandon faith just at the time when it most needs to be embraced. Prayer is ignored at the very hour when it needs to be intensified. Virtue is carelessly tossed aside when it needs to be cherished. God is forsaken in the all-too-human yet mistaken fear that He has forsaken us. The truth is that our only safety, our only security, our only hope is to hold fast to that which is good. As the mists of darkness gather around us, we are only lost if we choose to let go of the iron rod, which is the word of God."As the mists of darkness gather around us," it is vitally important to hold firmly to the guiding rod of truth and refrain from allowing crisis to pull us from the path. One sure way to maintain a secure grip on the rod of truth is to read scriptures daily (I can whole-heartedly attest to the truthfulness of that statement...I know that since I have made a habit of reading I have been blessed with increased patience and stamina in dealing with the trials I have faced).
Cheryl C. Lant (General President of the Primary)
My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures, Ensign, Nov. 2005, 77
I find that if I pray not only to have a witness of the truthfulness of the scriptures but also to have the Spirit with me as I read, my sensitivity is heightened, and I see ever so much more clearly. I can see where I am in my life and where my Heavenly Father wants me to be. I can understand principles of truth, and I can see how to make the needed changes in my life. I can feel assured that the Lord will help and strengthen me to accomplish the task. Thus the scriptures become written in my life.When we read the scriptures we are hearing the voice of the Savior. He is not absent from our lives. He is actively positioned in the verses of these holy books.I like this quote because it opens up the idea of, "heightened sensitivity." Whereas consumption of alcohol dulls the senses, here we learn that reading the scriptures has the opposite effect - it heightens the senses. Finally, one more motivator to get you reading...
Elaine S. Dalton (President of the Young Women's Org.)
Believe! Ensign, May 2004, 111
Everything in the scriptures is applicable to our lives. The scriptures answer our questions, they provide role models and heroes, and they help us understand how to handle challenges and trials. Many times the scriptures you read will be the answer to your prayers.There are of course a mountain of other quotes and references relating to scripture study but I wanted to provide a few that weren't so well known. Bottom line here...reading the scriptures can in no way be a negative in your life, no cons, positively cannot hurt and takes only moments - believe!
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