Reading: A Brief Explanation about The Book of Mormon
The Dark Ages (aka Middle Ages) are considered to be a time of backwardness where very little in the form of written history, literature, and genaral progression is achieved. The dates very from one scholar to another based roughly around the fall of the Roman Empire (476 AD) to somewhere in or after the Renaissance period (as late as 1453). So somewhere between 800 and 1000 years.
I am going to posit here today that the Dark Ages consisted of the period without the word of God and active disciples of God. I am also going to state unequivocally that the period was exactly from 421 To 1823, lasting approximately 1402 years. Where does this come from? Simple, from the time Moroni sealed up the plates till the time Moroni (as a messenger fom God in angelic form) delivered the plates to Josph Smith...
(Paragraph 8)
In or about the year A.D. 421, Moroni, the last of the Nephite prophet-historians, sealed the sacred record and hid it up unto the Lord, to be brought forth in the latter days, as predicted by the voice of God through his ancient prophets. In A.D. 1823, this same Moroni, then a resurrected personage, visited the Prophet Joseph Smith and subsequently delivered the engraved plates to him.
My estimation of darkness stems from the opposition of light and what personifies light more than our Savior, Jesus Christ, and his teachings? Yes, the Bible was on the earth but its teachings were being perverted by man and added to the period of darkness (especially considering most common folks were not given access to the Bible). So, I'm standing by my statement; the 1400 years between Moroni and Joseph Smith, in my estimation, was the Dark Ages.
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