Reading: Alma 55-60
The incredible story of Helaman and the stripling warriors was part of the reading today along with some great contentions, battles, epistles of anger, and wickedness. The thing that I found noteworthy, new if you will because the sons of Helaman is obviously a fantastic tale, was the lack of support and provisions provided to either faction of the Nephite army (Moroni and Helaman). Thousands are dying and the battles are insane, cities taken and lost, retaken, threatened, over and over these battles rage and seem never to end. Helaman asks Moroni why they are not being supported and Moroni, in turn, sends a scathing letter back to Zerahemla threatening Pahoran (the chief judge). I love his subtleness, okay he isn't subtle, he uses the same direct language and threats as he did in his epistle to Ammoron (king of the Lamanites). I love his passion and absolute faith in God.
ALMA 60:23, 28, 34-35
23 Do ye suppose that God will look upon you as guiltless while ye sit still and behold these things? Behold I say unto you, Nay. Now I would that ye should remember that God has said that the inward vessel shall be cleansed first, and then shall the outer vessel be cleansed also.
28 Yea, behold I do not fear your power nor your authority, but it is my God whom I fear; and it is according to his commandments that I do take my sword to defend the cause of my country, and it is because of your iniquity that we have suffered so much loss.
34 And now behold, I, Moroni, am constrained, according to the covenant which I have made to keep the commandments of my God; therefore I would that ye should adhere to the word of God, and send speedily unto me of your provisions and of your men, and also to Helaman.
35 And behold, if ye will not do this I come unto you speedily; for behold, God will not suffer that we should perish with hunger; therefore he will give unto us of your food, even if it must be by the sword. Now see that ye fulfil the word of God.
"Send us food and men or I will come take it by the sword!" Moroni is the greatest! I can see him standing at a podium, addressing Pahoran, the citizens of Zarahemla, and all the king-men, and simply being frustrated. He cannot understand after so many miracles and signs and the numerous tales from the past and revelations of the future (continuously coming true) that these people are still not getting it. They slip back into sin and idleness like a comfortable blanket while thousands die to protect them...Exasperated he looks at them all, steely eyed, and says, "You know what makes me sad...YOU DO! Why don't we chug on over to mamby-pamby land where maybe we can find some faith in you, YOU JACKWAGONS!!"
Anyway, it's clear that he isn't happy and wants immediate action and I absolutely love the finale of his letter...
ALMA 60:36
36 Behold, I am Moroni, your chief captain. I seek not for power, but to pull it down. I seek not for honor of the world, but for the glory of my God, and the freedom and welfare of my country. And thus I close mine epistle.
"I am Moroni! Go ahead...make my day!" The man is simply a spiritual tank...
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