"What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed?" -Michelangelo
I love that quote! It clearly attests to the ease by which we as mortals so often choose to see things. It is so easy for us to be blind to the skin when we are so enamored by the clothing. In other words, the warning here is to be more discerning - don't watch the show and instantly assume reality, contemplate a bit, allow for alternate perspectives, search for the truth and accept that not all is as it seems and also understand that sometimes things are exactly as they seem.
Nephi, through revelation, relays the assassination of the chief judge to a mob of onlookers and then, under serious scrutiny as a possible collaborator in the correctly prophesied murder, he reveals the assassin and exactly how to get a confession from him, word for word...everything goes exactly as Nephi predicted and some begin to look at him with greater esteem...
41 And there were others who said: Behold, he is a god, for except he was a god he could not know of all things. For behold, he has told us the thoughts of our hearts, and also has told us things; and even he has brought unto our knowledge the true murderer of our chief judge.
As a speaker for God, his mouthpiece, Nephi has been preaching the gospel and prophesying about Jesus for years. Now, even after warning the people for days about God's wrath and their wickedness, even pleading with them to repent, finally, they start to listen but are blinded by the miracles. They see Nephi as God not as a servant of God. Talk about frustration, the man can't seem to win?
Perception is everything and in every circumstance if you allow yourself to understand that others might perceive things differently than you, well, you are on your way to a greater understanding of man, a greater tolerance for those who are different, and ultimately a greater love for all. I'm not by any stretch of the word saying its easy I'm just saying - your way isn't the only way and someone else's way might even be better. Be open to the possibility of difference! Don't let the shoe get in the way of the foot...
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