Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Three Generals and a Judge

Reading:   Alma 62-63,  Helaman 1-3

Finally made it through the extensive book of Alma, and with the end of the book come the end of some of our best and brightest:

Moroni retires as commander general of the army and hands the reigns over to his son, Moronihah (I have seen enough of the "hah" suffix to claim, with reasonable confidence, that it literally means "Jr").  Not too long after his peaceful retirement, Moroni passes away - replete in glory and faith!  I know, I know, we all wanted one more angry epistle from Moroni threatening to destroy some unfaithful fool, but, alas, it didn't happen...I bet he gave Junior a good, "don't screw up" lecture before the end though!

Helaman also dies, not as a general but as head of God's church.  Remember, he had two brothers, Shiblon and Corianton, and their father was Alma the younger (in case you forgot, actually, it was more for me because there is an insane amount of familial history in all this and I'm trying desperately to keep it locked in, right).  So, Shiblon becomes head of the church and he is succeeded by the son of Helaman (not one of the stripling warriors, his actual son), also named Helaman (should be Helamanhah).  Remember also that the vast amount of records, and the responsibility of recording the history of the church and people, is also conferred upon whomever becomes spiritual head olf the church (probably why Corianton disappeared and wasn't around to become leader after Shiblon died).

Pahoran dies as chief judge, a very righteous chief judge, and the empty seat is contested between his three sons.  Pahoran (Jr) is elected and is sustained by one of his brothers, Pacumeni, the third brother is not as sustaining.  The angry brother stirs up a rebellion and is put to death for trying to affect the people's liberty (again, how many uprisings have occurred and failed, stop people, just stop).  A murderous man, Kishkumen, prodded on by the disgruntled followers of the angry brother, kills Pahoran the second and Pacumeni succeeds him without dispute...of course he is killed not too long after by a sneak attack of the Lamanites.  Helaman, the son of Helaman, head of the church and record keeper, takes over as chief judge (busy guy).  The Lamanite attack is squelched by the able forces under the command of Moronihah.

Are you keeping up?

Teancum, our other favorite general, the man who snuck into the tent of Amalickiah and stuck a javelin in his heart, is very determined to also see the end of Ammoron and after much fighting, chasing, death, and mayhem...

ALMA 62:35-36

35 And thus they did encamp for the night. For behold, the Nephites and the Lamanites also were weary because of the greatness of the march; therefore they did not resolve upon any stratagem in the night-time, save it were Teancum; for he was exceedingly angry with Ammoron, insomuch that he considered that Ammoron, and Amalickiah his brother, had been the cause of this great and lasting war between them and the Lamanites, which had been the cause of so much war and bloodshed, yea, and so much famine. 

36 And it came to pass that Teancum in his anger did go forth into the camp of the Lamanites, and did let himself down over the walls of the city. And he went forth with a cord, from place to place, insomuch that he did find the king; and he did cast a javelin at him, which did pierce him near the heart. But behold, the king did awaken his servants before he died, insomuch that they did pursue Teancum, and slew him. 

That's right, Teancum ended Ammoron just like he did his sociopathic king brother Amalickiah, with a javelin through the heart.  Impressive sir, impressive, except for the part where you are killed by Ammoron's servants...the scriptural line of note here is, "...Teancum in his anger did go forth..." which means he probably went rouge, against the orders of Moroni.  Don't do things in anger - it never works out the way you would like it to!  Ammoron is dead, yeah, but Moroni, Helaman, Pahoran, and all the men who fought beside him are greatly saddened to see Teancum dead as well.

Whew!  Onward now to the book of Helaman and the boiling rise of Gadianton and his robbers...


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